M’Chigeeng First Nation Location: 62 Anishinaabe Way, M’Chigeeng First Nation, ON at the baseball field Contact: Art Jocko, Band Manager at (705) 377-5362
Chippewas of Georgina Island Pow Wow 2023 Locations: Sutton District High School, 20798 Dalton Rd, Sutton, ON, L0E 1R0 Declaration: Head Staff to Be Announced. This is an outdoor Pow Wow. Follow us on Facebook: “Chippewa of Georgina Island Pow Wow 2023”, Pow Wow Coordinator: lauri.hoeg@georginaisland.com.
TorontoMet Student Pwaaganigaawin (Pow Wow) Location: Toronto Metropolitan University Kerr Hall Quad, 43 Gerrard Street East (between Yonge and Church), Tkaronto (Toronto), Campus Map: https://www.torontomu.ca/maps/ , Rainout Location: Upper Gym Grand Entry: Saturday at 12:00PM Feast: Feast at 5:00PM Contact: For more information, email powwow@torontomu.ca, Facebook: Indigenous Events at TMU, Twitter: @TorontoMUPowWow, Instagram: @torontometpowwow
Fort Williams First Nation’s Annual Fall Pow Wow Grand Entry: Saturday at 1:00PM/7:00PM Feast: Feast at 5:00PM Contact: For more information, contact Gail Bannon at gailrbannon@fwfn.com.