Anishinabek Nation leadership troubled by recent police conduct towards First Nation youth

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (December 4, 2018)— Anishinabek Nation leadership and citizens alike were disturbed upon learning of an incident that transpired involving a First Nation youth from Nibinamik First Nation receiving medical care and a forceful on-duty police...

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Anishinabek Nation, Canada and US mayors call for stricter rules for water withdrawals from the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence

COLLINGWOOD (November 30, 2018) — For the first time, Canada and United States mayors from the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and Anishinabek Nation leadership have joined together to call for stricter rules for any new water...

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Anishinabek Nation leadership oppose Canada’s Indigenous Rights Framework

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (November 16, 2018)—The Anishinabek Nation Chiefs-in-Assembly unanimously oppose and reject the federal government’s Indigenous Rights Framework. The Anishinabek Nation leadership join other organizations advocating on behalf of their leadership and citizens, such as the Association...

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Anishinabek Nation leadership honour Warriors on Remembrance Day

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (November 9, 2018)— Remembrance Day is a time dedicated to honour and remember the members of armed forces – the husbands, sons, wives, daughters, nephews, nieces, friends – who selflessly sacrificed their life in the...

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Anishinabek Nation hosts Treaties Recognition Week education events

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (November 5, 2018)— Anishinabek Nation leaders and educators highlighted treaty education resources at a living library event held at the Harris Learning Library at the Nipissing University and Canadore College campus today to kick off...

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Anishinabek Nation leadership concerned by regressive Supreme Court decision

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (October 12, 2018)— Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare is concerned with yesterday’s Supreme Court decision that federal lawmakers do not have a duty to consult with Indigenous people before introducing legislation that might...

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Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief disturbed by violent incident in Manitoulin Island

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (September 20, 2018)— Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare is deeply disturbed after learning of the violent incident that occurred at a Manitoulin Secondary School that stemmed from racism. “I am in disbelief that our...

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Anishinabek Nation Citizenship Commissioner receives Order of Canada

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (September 7, 2018)— Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare would like to congratulate the Anishinabek Nation’s Citizenship Commissioner Jeannette Corbiere Lavell (Keewednanung) on becoming a member of the Order of Canada. “I was proud to...

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Southeast Regional Deputy Grand Council Chief troubled by local schoolboard trustee nominee

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (July 31, 2018)— Anishinabek Nation Southeast Regional Deputy Grand Council Chief Jim Bob Marsden is disturbed after learning that Gordon Gilchrist, a former Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board trustee, filed for nomination papers to...

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Anishinabek Nation congratulates re-elected National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (July 26, 2018)— On behalf of the Anishinabek Nation, Grand Council Chief Glen Hare congratulates Perry Bellegarde on his re-election as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. “Congratulations to Perry Bellegarde on his re-election....

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