Since 2016 the Anishinabek Nation (AN), has been working with the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM), through what is commonly referred to as the Regional Framework. In this framework, representatives of each member community of the Anishinabek Nation attend a Table corresponding to their Region. The purpose of these Tables is to improve the ability of the Anishinabek communities and their members to engage with, and benefit from the development of minerals and mines in Anishinabek Territory. The Tables meet quarterly and provide opportunities for information exchange, identification of issues of common concern, and development of solutions to challenges faced by Anishinabek communities in engaging with the minerals and mines sector. These Tables are also a tool for relationship building in that they provide opportunities for Anishinabek community members to meet on a regular basis with MNDM staff and to exchange information and ideas. In this way, the Tables also help to improve accountability of all parties to one another through the establishment and tracking of action points that are reported on at the Table. The Tables are attended by Anishinabek leaders, mining, minerals or economic development portfolio holders and technicians from the communities of the Region.

The work of the Regional Table helps to support other elements of the relationship between the AN and MNDM. Issues identified at a Regional Table that are of a technical nature or those that may impact more than one region can be sent to the AN-MNDM Advisory Council, where a smaller group made up of representatives from all four Anishinabek Regions and the MNDM can focus on exploring options and recommending actions. The Tables also provide an important link between localized communities and the AN-MNDM Bi-lateral Leadership Forum Where the Grand Council Chief, Regional Grand Chiefs, Elders and AN Staff meet with the Minister of Northern Development and Mines twice a year to discuss mining related issues.

Curve Lake staff deliver an important message and some ideas on how to improve consultation between government, industry and Fist Nations. Click below to read the article published in Public Sector Digest:


A recent court ruling found that Canada did not meet its duty to consult and accommodate First Nations on the Trans Mountain Pipeline out west. Click the link below to read about the potential impacts of the ruling on the pipeline project and consultation with all First Nations moving forward…



Mining Claims Application

Click here to view the Mining Claims Application.

Ontario Launches New Online Mining Claims System

On April 10, 2018 the government of Ontario launched a new on-line claim staking system. To learn more about this system, find a link to the new MLAS claims map view or to access the Claim Holder’s Guide to Conversion click the link below.
