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Treaty Education – Home
Biindigen! Welcome!
Below you will be introduced to the contributors of this resource. Each person will introduce themselves as well as why treaty education is important. Click on the play button to get started!

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Before beginning your learning journey into understanding Treaties, first we want to introduce some fundamental concepts which include the Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe, as well as the importance of Elders.
What is an Elder?
An Elder is a male or female adult who carries wisdom and spiritual knowledge. Elders carry different responsibilities. Elders are usually known for carrying a lifetime of knowledge about their people’s culture and traditions. Traditional Knowledge Keepers also hold extensive knowledge about the culture and traditions of their people. One of the greatest gifts you can give your students is to invite an Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper into your classroom. If you are looking to bring an Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper into your classroom, it is best to seek the advice of your school boards’ Indigenous Education Lead to ensure you are following the appropriate protocols for your area.
Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe:
The Anishinabek Nation established the Union of Ontario Indians in 1949 as a political advocate and secretariat for its member First Nations across Ontario. . The Elders of the Anishinabek Nation created the Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe as the preamble to the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin (Great Law). To Anishinabek, world view and the natural laws that govern all of us. Anishinabek laws are also based on our responsibilities, and together, these inform how we engage with treaty-making to ensure we are conducting ourselves in accordance with our roles and responsibilities with each other and with all of creation. For more information about Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe click HERE.
In these next two videos Elder Josh Eshkawkogan will explain the role of an Elder as well as the preamble: Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe.

In these next two videos Isaac Murdoch will explain what Natural Laws are about, how they govern us, and outline our roles and responsibilities with each other as well as with all of creation. As well, Isaac will explain how treaties are also about promises. These promises are also connected to our roles and responsibilities.
As you watch these videos consider:
How do natural laws help keep us in good relations with each other? With the environment?
What happens when we no longer follow these natural laws? What are some consequences we are experiencing today?
When you make a promise, how can you demonstrate that it comes from your heart?
Learning Together ~ The Journey
Alex explains how the journey of learning works through this site. Click on the play button to get started.
Note: There are many different Indigenous languages across Turtle Island. It is important to remember that within these languages there are many dialects. We encourage you to embrace the diversity of all Indigenous languages and dialects.
A NOTE TO EDUCATORS: As with all resources, we recommend that you review the content first to determine how this will best complement the age, grade level, and readiness of your students. For primary grades, we suggest exploring the content presented up to the first 4 sections, whereas the remaining sections would be suitable for the older grades. All of the content is presented in a way for educators to engage in a learning journey alongside their students in a fun and informative way.