Nation Council


The Anishinabek Nation Council is supported by five Advisory Councils:

Getzidjig Advisory Council

Kwe-Wuk Advisory Council

Eshki-niigijig Advisory Council

Niizhwaadziwag Advisory Council

Niniwag Advisory Council

The five Advisory Councils meet from time to time as individual groups or collectively, to discuss areas of concern, review and provide advice on Anishinabek Nation program initiatives and engage in nation-building activities.


The Anishinabek Nation Getzidjig Advisory Council acts in an advisory capacity to Anishinabek Nation Leadership, providing direction for consideration by elected leaders.

The Getzidjig Advisory Council members are:

Anishinabek Nation Head Getzit Mishoomis Richard Assinewai

Getzit Mishoomis James Mishquart

Ookomis Elsie Bissaillion (Lake Huron Region)

Ookomis Donna Debassige (Lake Huron Region)

Mishoomis Glen “Peach” Marsden (Southeast Region)


Vacant – Northern Superior Region

Mishoomis Leroy Dolson (Southwest Region)

In Remembrance

There have been Elders who have passed on to the Spirit World but each one has left a lasting impression. They have worked diligently, guided us and provided wisdom in our collective journey towards Anishinabek governance. The Anishinabek Nation is forever grateful to them for their participation and we would like to acknowledge their never-ending contributions made to restore Anishinabek governance and for that, their work will never be forgotten.

Mishoomis Gordon Waindubence, Getzidjig Advisory Council
Ookomis Merle Assance-Beadie, Getzidjig Advisory Council
Mishoomis Martin Assinewe, Getzidjig Advisory Council
Arlene Barry, Kwe-Wuk Advisory Council

Mishoomis Wilmer Noganosh, Getzidjig Advisory Council
Ookomis Joan Hendrick, Getzidjig Advisory Council

Mishoomis Roy Michano, Getzidjig Advisory Council


The Anishinabek Nation Kwe-Wuk Advisory Council supports the restoration of Anishinabek Nation governance and jurisdiction through advocacy and coordination. They advise, represent, encourage, and offer strength in building safe and healthy families and communities.

The Anishinabek Nation Kwe-Wuk Advisory Council represents the women’s voice and issues at the leadership level, and advocates on their behalf. They are the collective voice of the Anishinabek Nation Kwe-Wuk to the overall development and implementation of the Nation Building/Wedokdodwin (the Anishinabek Nation’s strategic plan for political action).

The Kwe-Wuk Advisory Council members are:

Donna Debassige (Lake Huron Region) (Interim Member)

Betsy Kechego (Southwest Region)

Nora Sawyer (Southeast Region)

Evelyn Stone (Northern Superior Region)


The Anishinabek Nation’s Eshki-niigijig Advisory Council is the voice and the leadership for youth-related issues within the Anishinabek Nation. The Eshki-niigijig Advisory Council represents Anishinabek Nation youth at the regional, provincial and national levels. They also service in an advisory capacity to the Anishinabek Nation’s nation-building process for self-determination and traditional governance, which is an objective of Wedokdodwin.

The Eshki-niigijig Advisory Council members are:
Pierre Debassige, Lake Huron Region Male Representative and Bonnet Holder
Brittnee Waindubence, Lake Huron Female Representative
Mackenzie Courchene, Northern Superior Region Female Representative
Marcus Alexander Hardy, Northern Superior Region Male Representative
Lance Copegog, Southeast Region Male Representative
Terra Roy, Southeast Region Female Representative
Kingson Huff, Southwest Region Male Representative
Katelyn Peters, Southwest Region Female Representative

Pictured from left to right: Katelyn Peters, Brittnee Waindubence, Terra Roy, Lance Copegog, Kingson Huff, Pierre Debassige. Not pictured: Mackenzie Courchene, Marcus Alexander Hardy.


The 2SLGBTQQIA+ members are:
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun
Heidi Whetung
Aaron Bowerman


The Niniwag Council members are:
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun
Bryan Bellefeuille
Jack Trudeau